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I want to open a pole dance studio: what do I need to know?

(Photo: Vertical Studio, Minas Gerais, Brazil! Partner Studios Gaia!)

Pole Dance has been growing more and more in Brazil and, consequently, the demand for classes as well. We are experiencing a true boom in the modality!

And as one of the first points when deciding to open your own space is finding the ideal property, let's talk about some important topics that will prepare you to open your long-awaited studio!

Is there an ideal size for the space?

No. You can start by giving classes in just one room, with one or two poles, or you can already open a large and spacious studio. The size of the space will depend on the disposition and potential investment of each person. Some structure a structured business plan and invest hundreds of thousands, while others invest less, start as they can, and gradually expand.

In this sense, it is quite important to research the target audience and the size of the city to define the initial investment and, consequently, the size of the property. But regardless of the size of the space, something is essential: that it is structured only with quality equipment and that offers all the necessary safety to the students!

Does the structure of the ceiling and floor make a difference?

When it comes to the floor, it is ideal that it is not a cold floor (porcelain, ceramic, etc.). We recommend using vinyl flooring, which is more appropriate for dance, to slide your feet and even walk barefoot.

Gaia Tip: If the budget is small, you can invest without fear in a low-traffic vinyl. They already serve well! Another very important factor is that this floor is level, as unevenness can negatively influence the rotation and operation of the pole.

Regarding the ceiling, if the property has a rigid ceiling, it is already sufficient. If not, we have Structural Solutions that serve all types of environments.

Usually, the walls are made of masonry, but even if they are all made of plaster, for example, we can develop structural solutions for such. This is the example of Vertical Studio, located in Belo Horizonte (MG). The place had walls AND ceiling in plaster and the structural solution developed by Gaia can be seen in the photo below:

Does the structure of the ceiling and floor make a difference?

Of course, the higher the ceiling height of the property, the better the use of the pole. But a ceiling height from 2.60m is already sufficient for practice. As for the distance between the poles, we indicate 2 meters between poles and 1.5m from the wall as a measure for a very comfortable practice. Many studios, with smaller spaces, cannot offer this distance and still work!

Gaia Tip: In case of a smaller space, always instruct the students, as not everyone can have the necessary space notion for certain movements. Example: When passing an Aysha coming from a handstand, instruct the student not to kick towards the wall or mirror if the distance is short.

So remember: safety is important!

What is the ideal pole to start with?

This question only allows one answer: Gaia Pole!

From then on, you have dozens of options to choose from! And if you have any doubts at the time of choice, our team of specialists has a direct communication channel via WhatsApp to understand the studio's proposal and indicate the best model.

For example: If it is a studio that offers only the Pole modality, the fixed pole (screwed) is sufficient! When the space has a multi-purpose room, with different activities, the articulated or rail pole is the most indicated.

So don't hesitate to send us a message that our team will be ready to offer the best online shopping experience for Pole Dance equipment!

We hope these valuable tips help you when preparing your space to open a quality Pole Dance studio - and with a lot of personality.

Live the experience, feel the movement, be Gaia Pole.

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